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Dell champs-2018

Dell Champs school level quiz competition was conducted on 4th July 2018 in the Little Angels School, Auditorium. Twenty-six  students accompanied with their parents participated actively in this competition. The Dell Champs programme features  an interactive technology based quiz contest that provides a unique platform for parents to participate with their child and be a partner in their achievement. Out of the 26 teams that participated 18 teams were shortlisted for the second round. These 18 teams had 3 rounds each of which 9 teams were selected for the  “City level competition”. One team got the chance of   ‘ wild card  entry ‘ into the city level competition.    

The Vice – Principal  Mrs. V.Sharada and Academic Coordinator Mrs. K. Kalyani graced the occasion by presenting the certificates to the winners and participants.

The IT  club students got the  opportunity to actively participate in the programe as audience. Thus it was an interactive and lively session.